lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

Nameless #2

Forget, just forget.
Forget the kiss, forget the talk
forget the day all this begun.

You forget the hugs and the laughs
and the hole passion that you brought.
You have to forget all of these things
and bury them at the end of your soul.

Be the one who walks away,
the one who says goodbye.
Build a wall between our eyes
and put a lock to your heart.

Keep me away from every feeling
and distant from your life.
Do it now and do it fast.

Be the one who says enough
and go, go and don’t look back.

Stop the agony of my heart
and the cry of my soul
and disappear in the city shadows.

Take with you all these feelings
and the happy moments we had
because they are only a reminder
of what I want but I cannot have.

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